Monday, June 9, 2008

What a protector!

I want the world to know (or at least my 3 to 5 readers) that my husband is a fabulous protector! Of course, I always knew it, but today he had an opportunity to demonstrate just how great of a protector he is. I had a run-in with an office manager in a place of business our family frequents that sent me into a tail-spin. I felt a horrible amount of stress over the situation to the point of wanting never to return to that place of business again. You better believe when I am in a time of such crisis and stress I call my husband at the first opportunity I get. As I did today.

I left the business, had both kids in the car, told Pheoby I couldn't talk to her because I needed to cool down and proceeded to call L.C. about 3 times before he was able to answer my call at his desk. (That makes me realize one more reason he is amazing... he doesn't get mad at me for calling him and unloading while he is at work! He is available to me any time I am in need.) After I unloaded all my emotional (and factual) garbage, he said the words I marvel at... "I am going to call her right now."

Typically I would discurage L.C. from calling to defend me because of my major fear of confrontation and because I like to live by the motto "Never let 'em see you sweat!", but not this time. I felt so uncomfortable that if he hadn't called I would probably have tried my best to sweep it under the rug and let it lie and never return again. But... that really wasn't an option. This is a place we want to continue to do business with as long as everything gets worked out in a respectable way.

So he did call. He did explain how I felt I was treated. The office manager apologized to him. And she later called me to apologize. How I feel now and how I am processing the incedent is a developing story which I will probably keep to myself, but the main idea here is that it is amazing to realize you are loved enough to be protected when you are too weak to protect yourself.

Thank you, L.C.! I love you and am honored to have you as my protector! I also am thrilled beyond measure that you are the father of my children... they will be blessed their whole lives through to have you as their protector as well!


Jill said...

You are so blessed!

Martin LaBar said...

I would think that L. C. would be about perfect at doing this sort of thing without unnecessarily antagonizing someone.