Monday, November 20, 2006

How many has she seen...

The past few days have brought many thoughts and big decisions. It has been nuts how things are changing and yet, nothing has changed yet. Anyway... L.C. is working nights this week. Stinks for him, but so nice for us to have him home during the days!!! So, ever since I was in Michigan and Pheoby got to sleep on my side of the bed with her daddy, Pheoby asks almost every day if she can sleep with mommy & daddy. We are kinda sticklers on that since we shared a room for a year... well... even before that we were sticklers, I suppose. I just don't think it is a good habit to get into. Plus kids just plain sleep wild! It is not fun getting kicked in the neck when you are dreaming your best dream in weeks! But... we have gotten to the age where Pheoby can start to understand "special" times. Like tonight. L.C. isn't home tonight so what a perfect night to let Pheoby join me. Sweet Pheoby pretty much started asking if it was bed time as soon as she woke up from her afternoon nap. So we got her bathed and I fixed her hair for bed while sitting on mommy's bed watching the Good Night Show. And finally it was time to snuggle up! What a wonderful feeling to feel her chilly feet resting on my legs. If it was L.C. it may not have seemed so sweet to feel the frigid things, but it was my sweet baby... and then it happened.... I heard the words that every mom longs to hear, the words that parents everywhere tell the story of, the words that in just a few short years may dissappear from her brain..... she whispered, "Mommy, you are the very best mommy I have ever even seen!" As I allowed the sentiment to sink in I beat down the thought 'exactly how many has she seen?'

Just in case this leaves you with a "too perfect" picture in your mind... Pheoby has been back in her own bed for an hour and a half! I know, I know... sad!

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