Thursday, January 17, 2008

We are well!

Just in case you are wondering... we are all well. We have pretty much been vegging out at home the last several days. We are getting a little bit of order in this home, but not working too hard! ;o)

While my parents were here we worked on clearing out some clutter in Pheoby's room, but didn't get to her closet. So tonight we went in and worked in her room. Let me tell you... it was so rewarding to hear my daughter make some choices on her own about some things that needed to be thrown away or retired to storage for later. I am so glad that we started weeding stuff out early on with her. She now evidently sees the benefit on living clutter-free! And I had some flashbacks to times when we would clean our rooms as kids. What great fun it was to clean and find toys we had forgotten about! Pheoby found many great treasures! One special thing she found was a special bracelet her Grandma got her. She found it and claimed, "Mommy!!! I have been looking for this!!!" Now... I don't recall her ever looking for it, but perhaps it was an underlying urge from deep within. Hmm?!?! Maybe tomorrow we will get enough done so that we can feel good about doing some deep cleaning. It is about time, I think! I really want to go see The Pirates That Don't Do Anything with Pheoby. Perhaps we will get out tomorrow or Friday to do that.

Trey is growing! I just weighed him on my scale (with his jammies and a blanket) and he weighed 10.9 pounds. So I wonder how much a blanket and jammies weigh?! It is wild for me to think about how much this boy would weigh if he went to term... or over! Thank goodness he came early!!! Oh... and speaking of weight... although I have a long way to go I am happy to say that I have lost 25 pounds so far! I have about 2o more to get to my pre-pregnancy weight and then about 20-30 more after that to get to my goal. So a big goal for me is to get motivated to get back to exercizing. Maybe in the next week or two I will get on track with that. I need just a tad more motivation and energy! (and perhaps a good gym friend to join me!!!) ;o)

I can't believe that I am still up at 2:15. I am sleepy, but now I am thinking it may be worthwhile to just stay up till Trey's next feeding! ;o) Although there is no telling when he will be ready. Two nights ago he was up every 2 hours. Yesterday we worked on making sure he wasn't confused about days and nights and he did better last night. He went 3 1/2 hours between feedings. Let me be the one to tell you... there is a HUGE difference between 2 hours and 3 1/2! With as great as Trey has been sleeping I am fairly confident that he will be sleeping through the night by 6 weeks! I am looking forward to that! So I will go on the record now with my guess. ;o)

I suppose I will get these pics added and get to bed! I hope to get better at posting more often.

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