Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Thumb Sucker?!

What kind of kid decides to start sucking his thumb at 10 months old? That is insane!!! ;o)

Yup. So we definately confirmed today that Trey likes sucking his thumb. We have been noticeing it over the past several days. At the beginning it seemed like perhaps it was just something to do or that he was teething and chewing on it. But, nope! He is definately sucking.

Now... to be fair, the boy does LOVE his paci and has it 80% of the time. I have been trying to take it away more and more so that he will be more vocal, but I am second guessing that choice now. I don't want to push him toward the thumb if he really feels the need to have something.

He did spend the first 5 minutes of his life outside the womb with the thumb firmly planted in his mouth. I presume he had lots of practice for several months. Perhaps he was distracted from the thumb because we have been good at supplying his needs over 9 months. Maybe now that he is getting bigger he may just remember how simple it was way back in the day when all was cozy and simple. Who knows!

What I do know, however, is that I will be pushing the paci like crazy for the next several days!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

coming from a momma who is fighting a four year old not to suck her thumb at bedtime....PUSH the paci! Although my thumb sucker is a content sleeper. It all has its good and bad! Good luck!