Saturday, December 8, 2007

SAHM... kinda!

I am kinda gonna get the feeling of being a Stay-At-Home-Mom again!

I am so excited about some changes that will be made to my employment status after Trey comes! After much prayer and consideration of our family's needs and priorities I submitted a maternity leave request to BHS. What I requested was 8 weeks off and once I returned that they would allow me to squeeze my work into 3 days a week. This would allow us to keep the kids most of the time and only have to have them in day care for 2 days a week. L.C.'s 4 day work schedule would have him home on Fridays so he could keep them then. After a long delay, I finally was approached last week with a counter offer from my work. They have offered me a contract position, which won't offer benefits, but will increase in pay rate. I will have flexible hours and can work from home. My plan is to fit my appointments in 2 days and spend a third at home doing documentation. There is a lot to work out still and still a lot of decisions to be made as to how things will be structured, but I have accepted the proposal and we are now able to go ahead and reduce Pheoby's school to 2 days per week! We are very excited about what this means for our family since I will be working enough to get out of the house and stay sane, getting paid enough so that we can continue to work on reducing debt and working toward financial goals, and working less hours so that I am able to invest more in my children's lives! What a blessing!!! God certainly takes great care of us!


Jill said...

Congrats my friend!!

AmyPhaup said...

Hey Sarah! I am so happy for you! I miss getting to see Pheoby and interacting with her. I hope you guys have a very Merry Christmas! I can not wait to see pictures of little Trey on here!

AmyPhaup said...

Sorry, I didn't realize it would say PCPhaup. This is Amy from the daycare.

Anonymous said...

Hey that sounds AWSOME!!! It does help that it means more time with me!! I love that you can see God working in your life though and I love that he is blessing you abundently!! Can't wait to meet that new baby boy!! Love you friend!!