Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!!!

What a wonderful way to celebrate a New Year... spending it getting to know my new son. He is a sweet boy and pretty much only cries when he is hungry. He is a great eater and is pretty much adjusted to our 3 hour feeding schedule. Through the night he just eats enough to not be hungry anymore and then dozes right back off to sleep.

I want to give all the details, but my mind is a little fuzzy due to the pain meds I am taking. So if you think of questions leave a comment and I will fill in the details!

At our last appointment, the day after Christmas, the doctor scheduled my induction for Friday morning. It was pretty exciting to me to think of having Trey (Trey is a nickname for "the third" since his name is officially L.C. Hayes, III) on Friday since the date was the 28th and both L.C. and I were born on the 28th. L.C. was born on August 28th and my birthday is September 28th.

Anyway... I had been having contractions off and on the weeks prior and spent some time on the 26th doing some mall walking to try to get the contractions to come on stronger. We were finishing up our time at the mall while enjoying some Dippin' Dots Ice Cream and I thought for sure my water broke. I was so scared to stand up because I just knew it would go everywhere! I finally did stand and there was no waterfall. But I was still concerned.

We went to the hospital and were admitted Thursday evening at about 5:00. It was very busy at the hospital so I didn't even get started on my pitocin until about 7 or 8:00pm. Once I got started the contractions developed right away. I held off on the epidural as long as I could and finally got it about 6 am. When I started feeling the effects of the epidural the contractions really picked up because they were able to max out the pitocin.

The nurses changed shifts at 7am so it was really hard to get a nurse when I felt the need to push. I really felt Trey was on his way by about 20 till seven. When we finally got a nurse in the room at about 7:10 she called others in to prep the room. Within seconds there were 5 other people in there. I started pushing while they were breaking down the bed and by 7:15 Trey made his arrival!

It all happened so fast which is a dream! I didn't have time to get nervous or scared that I wouldn't be able to do it. Also... feeling the need to push helped a lot! I didn't feel that way with Pheoby so I just pushed because it is what I needed to do. With Trey I could tell he was on his way regardless! There was a little hesitation on getting his head out. We later were told that his cord was wrapped around his neck twice and they had to cut it in order to get it loose.

Once Trey was delivered they practically threw him up on my chest. I always wondered how I would feel about all that slime and nastiness on me. But it was GREAT!!! I was so happy that they put him up without even asking. It was so awesome! I certainly was full of emotion and definately cried because of how overwhelming it was to be holding my son!

We have wondered for a long time what our boy would look like. It turns out he looks just like his sister. By no means do they look identical, but you can certainly tell that they are brother and sister! And speaking of Big Sister, Pheoby, she is an excellent one! She really loves her brother and is concerned with his well-being at all times, but at the same time understands that she is not fully in charge. She seems to be adjusting well to the new roles we all are playing and hasn't gotten too upset at the division of attention.

Oh... perhaps you may want to know the stats on our boy.

L.C. Hayes, III "Trey"
9 Lbs, 21 inches long
December 28, 7:15 am

And now for some more pictures!


Anonymous said...

sarah lc and pheoby...good good job he is so beautiful.god bless you .im so glad all went well this time.he sure is a hand full. .you girls sure like growing big babies now days.get some well deserved rest lady.job well done

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see that new little man!! 18 DAYS!!! Congratulations to all 3 of you!! Love and miss you all!! See you soon!

Anonymous said...

i showed miles hes YELLING TRAYYYYYYYYYYY......

Anonymous said...

What awesome and wonderful news! I love the family picture at the hospital -- you all look so very happy :) What a wonderful way to begin 2008!! Congratulations times ten and I will be keeping you all in my prayers :) Thanks for the updates -- it's so nice to know all the God is doing in the Hayes family....
Lots of love, Rosina :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats. I am so happy for you. I'm glad everything went well . The pictures are great , I love the one were Pheobe is kissing him. Cute, Cute, Cute.
Love to all,
Aunt Char and Family

Jill said...

So cute!! I'm so happy for you all. That is so cool about the shared 28th!

Anonymous said...

Congrats, sarah and LC! Trey is beautiful! judith

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!!! L.C., Sarah, & Phoeby, on your new arrival.

Trey looks sooo big. 9 lbs. Wow!
We're glad every one is doing great.
The pictures are great!!!

Sounds like Phoeby likes being the BIG Sister.
Aunt Denise, Uncle Brian, Lisa & Stacie

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Sarah, L.C. and Pheoby! What a wonderful blessing Tray must be. He is simple beautiful! I can't wait to see him in person and hold the little man. I bet you will have a lot of pictures to scrapbook!?!? We should to get together for a crop when things get settled down for you. Happy New Year...what a joy it must be to celebrate it with your growing family!

Anonymous said...

Hayes Family,
What a joy to see pictures of baby Trey. He looks so sweet and cuddly. Pheoby looks to be enjoying herself too. I know that she's going to be a wonderful big sis. Our children are certainly a blessing from God! Sending you lots of love, especially from Rhianna! -Shari,Don,Hannah Claire and Baby Rhi

Jiggs said...

Now thats one gorgeous little heartbreaker. Congratulations Hayes'.
Love you guys.