Thursday, May 1, 2008

Update on Miss Pheobs

Well... we went to the ENT. The doctor basically left it up to us on whether or not to do the surgery now. We decided to go ahead with it because we don't want to risk having to do emergency surgery in the future and have to do surgery while there is infection. We believe that she will continue to have problems with this in the future if we don't get it taken care of. We have good insurance, so why not deal with it is the question we asked ourselves. There is no real good reason not to. The doctor believes that at 4-years-old and her size she should handle the surgery well without remembering much about it. He said she will have a minor incision that should heal well since she is so young. So we are waiting on his surgery scheduler to call us so that we can choose a date. We don't know if it will be in the next couple weeks or in a month or two. I will keep you updated.

In other Pheoby news... my big girl started Gymnastics yesterday! She was such a natural... as much as a 4-year-old who only went to class one time can be a natural. She even came home and showed her Daddy some of what she learned. She has been "practicing" her gymnastics skills on the futon in Trey's room during diaper changes. Yesterday she realized that Trey's crib is perfect for practicing her "pencil arms!" L.C. was not too fond of the new gym toy... he asked her not to practice there! ;o)

***Scroll all the way down to see the slide show from her first week!


Jill said...

Happy to hear gymnastics went well. I will keep Phoeby in my prayers that things go smoothly with her ear. Can't wait to see you on Monday!!

Martin LaBar said...

She should be fine. God help her. One of our had her tonsils out at about that age.

Eddie, Martha-Marie, and Selah said...

I miss you Sarah :)