Saturday, April 12, 2008

Sweet Phoeby

It has been a little while since I have posted a truly sweet pic of my little girl. So to give the girl her dues... here is Sweet Pheoby!

Phoeby has grown so much lately. She is becoming a little woman. She is so dramatic (I don't know where she gets it, lol) and funny. She loves to tell jokes and is a great story teller. Although I think she has a little of my Grandpa Tanner in her because sometimes the stories go on and on just for the fun of it! ;o) She is an excellent big sister and is definately a blessing to Mommy & Daddy helping where she can. She very rarely is hesitant to get a paci, burp cloth or something else that we need for Trey.

1 comment:

Jill said...

So cute! She is a true blessing!