Monday, April 9, 2007

Phew!!! Time for a nap!

What a wonderful weekend! My brother Andy, his wife Anna and their kids, Abigail & Miles, came in on Friday morning and left today. It was GREAT to have them come to stay with us, to catch up, to share our lives with them, to play some Nintendo Wii, to learn about how cool GPS units are, and to watch these CRAZY kids play with one another. It was a busy, fun filled weekend. We had a blast and can't wait for it to happen again!!!

We normally don't fru-fru up Miss Pheoby, but she got a beautiful dress from her Aunt Jabecca for her birthday that turned into an Easter dress. Pheoby LOVED it! And she looked soooo pretty. Here is proof!

1 comment:

Bryan and Tammy said...

She really did look pretty! It's the face that makes the outfit!