Tuesday, February 26, 2008

A survey about my main man!

Who is your man? L.C. Hayes, Jr. (I must clarify so that you don't get confused... you know... there are three of them now!)
How long have you been together? 11 years
Dating/Engaged/Married? Married
How old is your man? 30
What's his middle name? Doesn't have one!

You or your man?
Who eats more? L.C.
Who said "I love you" first? L.C.
Who weighs more? L.C. (Thankfully!)
Who sings better? Who knows! Neither of us are singers.
Who's Older? Me
Who's smarter? L.C.-- The man is a stinkin' scientist! ;o)

Who's temper is worse? Probably L.C.'s, but mine surfaces more often.
Who does the laundry? Preferably me!
Who does the dishes? Both of us
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Me
Who's feet are bigger? L.C.'s
Who's hair is longer? Mine
Who's better with the computer? L.C.
Who mows the lawn? L.C.
Who pays the bills? I actually send the money out, but L.C. is the main money-maker!
Who cooks dinner? We both do.
Who makes more money? Oh... I see I have jumped ahead! L.C. does by far! Just in case you ever wondered social workers don't get into it for the money! ;o)
Who drives when you are together? L.C. does 89% of the time.
Who pays when you go out to dinner? Um... we have a joint account, but I typically let L.C. pull out his wallet! ;o)
Who's the most stubborn? Me!
Who is the first one to admit when they're wrong? L.C.
Who's parents do you see more? Surprisingly it is not too far off balance. We usually see L.C.'s folks every 3-4 weeks and my parents every 3-4 months. (But we see my family for several days at a time!)
Who named your dog? L.C.
Who kissed who first? L.C. kissed me first. Oh, the memories!
Who asked who out? I asked L.C. out for T.W.I.R.P Night. (The Woman Is Responsible for Paying) Then about 4 months later he asked me out to the Valentine's Banquet. There was a lot of mutual hanging out between all that.
Who's more sensitive? Me, definitely.
Who's taller? L.C.
Who has more friends? Me
Who has more siblings? Same... me-2 brothers, him-2 sisters
Who wears the pants in the relationship? I say L.C., but one of my favorite professors begged to differ! ;o)

1 comment:

Eddie, Martha-Marie, and Selah said...

Thanks for posting that survey....I learned a lot about the both of you...you guys sound a lot like Eddie and I...we would have very similar answers...anyway have a great week-end...and give little Trey a hug for me!