Thursday, February 7, 2008

Insight into the life of L.C. Hayes, Jr.

I have a FUNNY story to share with the world about my husband. Not many people get to know the funniest parts of him, so I take it upon myself to share what I find out! If you haven't noticed, or haven't met my husband, L.C. is pretty proper and attempts to put his best foot forward in most interaction with others. I am much more silly and often sarcastic which is why I enjoy sharing funny stories about him.

This morning I was supposed to get up early so that I could get Pheoby to school at a decent time. It is good practice for when I head back to work in a few weeks. So my alarm was set for 7:30 which would give me time to shower before Trey needed to eat. It was a great plan. It didn't work out that way!

Sometime between 7:30 and 8:00 when I actually got up Pheoby came into my room. Trey woke up, probably a few minutes early due to some noise coming from an afore mentioned source ;o) and I continued to rest. I heard and even vaguely recall seeing Pheoby assisting her baby brother in relaxing. She gave him his paci, shhh'd him, sang to him and even moved his teddy bear mobile to a location that was better suited for early morning viewing. Finally Trey made it clear that it was time to eat so I ever so gingerly (there, my friends, is an example of the sarcasm I enjoy so much!) hopped from my bed to gather my son for his breakfast.

I proceeded to feed him in my bed with my eyes closing quite often. Before having children I wouldn't have thought I could sleep sitting up, but I can! So while I was resting I hear Pheoby continuing to talk with her brother and she probably was talking to me as well. I am sure I answered her appropriately, too! She roused my attention when I heard her say "oh, what's this" and then again louder with disgust "Oh! What is this?!?!" I looked over to where she was sitting and staring at the bedsheets. This is what I saw...

Pheoby and I laughed at how Daddy could fall asleep with a sucker, but not nearly as much as L.C. and I laughed when I called him at work to tell him of our discovery. He reports he remembers enjoying the sucker, but didn't remember if he finished it or not. He says he saw the wrapper on the nightstand and wondered about the stick, but disregarded it as soon as the thought crossed his mind.

Now... I must ask you... when was the last time you fell asleep before finishing your candy? And this is coming from the guy who "doesn't really like sweets!"


Anonymous said...

That is totally cracking me up!!! Pheoby is so funny ...I can totally hear her disgusted with the stickiness of the situation!! Your husband is one of a kind though...not liking sweets as if anyone would belive that!!

Jill said...

That is hilarious!!

Eddie, Martha-Marie, and Selah said...

That is too funny! If I tried to go to sleep with candy I feel sure that I would choke or something crazy....anyway LC seems like such a great guy....Eddie mentioned after you guys left last night that he really was impressed with LC...I thought that was cool that he said that :)

Martin LaBar said...

Ah, Loose Change strikes again!