Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Pheoby's Surgery

I had blogged previously about Pheoby's ear problems and that she needed surgery. (If you don't remember reading that you can find out more about the problem and the procedure here and here.)

Her surgery was yesterday. She did GREAT! And we are so thankful to the staff at St. Francis Eastside and Dr. Cooter of Greenville ENT. Everyone was fabulous and helped Pheoby to have a good experience. She didn't appear to be nervous or worried at all and faced the whole thing like it was any other day. Thankfully, they provided her anesthesia through a mask and they didn't give her an IV until she was already out. We were able to be with her up until they took her back to the operating room. And she was only gone from us for about 45 minutes.

We were informed that many times kids are quite irratable and therefore they like to bring the parents back right away. Not our girl! She was still sleeping for about 15 minutes while we were there waiting for her to wake up and finally I asked how long it should take. The nurse then woke her up by talking to her and rubbing her arm. She was still drowsy for a while, but enjoyed an orange popsicle and was ready to get her clothes changed. When asked if she wanted to be carried out or get a wheelchair ride, she cheerfully selected the wheelchair!

We had to go pick up Trey from L.C.'s sister, Jabecca's house where Mimi (L.C.'s Mom) was watching the kids. (Ironically, Jabecca was scheduled for surgery on the same day.) By the time we got there (about 15 minutes from the hospital) I had to give her instructions about how she could play with Micah and Caleb, but she couldn't be running around. She needed several more reminders while we were there.

We needed to go get her prescriptions filled, pick up pizza for lunch (Pheoby's request) and pick out a movie from Grandma (my Mom). By the time we got home Pheoby was wired! She kept going and going and going and going until finally I figured it was surely time to catch some Zs... no way! Have you ever tried your hardest to get a drugged up kid to sleep? We were laying in my bed and she kept making me laugh when I was at my most serious.

Later on we both had to ask forgiveness from one another.... me for being mean and her for being so silly when I was trying to sleep. (Actually, if you want the truth... she started it by telling me she was sorry and then she called me out for being mean!) The wild-ness continued through the evening. I got her to lay down again in my bed hoping she would crash, but she kept waiting for her movie to be done or for daddy to come to bed. Ugh! Once again, I fell asleep and she continued buzzing along to Bee Movie for the 4th time that day!

She did sleep through the night. And was up a few times this morning and fell right back to sleep. I was thankful for that. She is taking a good nap now, too. I think she is recovering well. She hasn't complained of much pain... and shouldn't really since she is on Loritab! Most surprisingly she hasn't been messing with the tape that is covering the incision. I am happy about that!

Here are some pics we took to document our day...


Jill said...

So happy to hear Pheoby is doing well. Hope the recovery continues as well!

Martin LaBar said...

Thank God it went well.

Anonymous said...

miss pheoby sounds like her aunt anna when she had her apendix out.lil busy bee.we are glad it went well. trust me it takes mom n dad longer to recover then it does the kiddies. love judy n rick