Tuesday, March 4, 2008

75% Of Us

This Tuesday was not-so-Super for the Hayes family. In honor of Super Tuesday II a poll was taken in our home and the results are in...

75% of the human residents in this home are sick!!!

It pretty much stunk when Pheoby came down with the flu symptoms (sore throat, cough, high fever, lathargic) over the weekend, but it has gotten worse! Last night my symptoms (sinus pressure, congestion... is that the same as pressure?, runny nose, achy neck, headache) became almost unbearable so I popped some Sudafed and some Tylenol and hit the hey pretty early. Trey started developing his symptoms today. (low grade fever, runny eyes, sneezing, cough) Pheoby seems to be feeling better, but she still has a runny nose, is sneezing and coughing, and has a low-grade fever.

Because of all this our 2-times-this-week doctor visit may turn into a 3-times-this-week if Trey's fever climbs. I took Pheoby yesterday, may have to take Trey tomorrow, and they both have well-checks (including vaccinations) scheduled for Friday. How much does that stink?!?! I am so thankful for L.C.'s good insurance with a relatively low co-pay!


Jill said...

So sorry to hear so many of you aren't feeling well. Prayers coming your way.

Martin LaBar said...

Sorry. Get well!

Anonymous said...

hello.i had a few mintues to come check your site. we had that flu right after your family came back to my house.it was so bad first abby them miles then anna then rick then crabby patty andy then me.rick ened up in er with a feaver of 103.abby and miles were on atibodics and feavers were horrible.anna slept most of hers off after 3 days of being veryvery ill.andy.he suffered thur it.(so did we)i got it last.go figure.its not fun.hope the kids and you feel better soon.the baby is sooo cute.growing so fast.i cant wait for alex to get here.
see u soon.
judy(the other grandma)